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Energy Drinks: The Pros and Cons for Your Health

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Energy drinks are beverages consisting of vitamins, supplements, and copious amounts of caffeine and sugar that have been heavily marketed as a quick solution for people who are low on energy or seeking to improve their focus. They provide a convenient solution for the target audience who need a quick pick-me-up, whether you are preparing for a workout or pushing through a long workday. But can energy drinks offer long term benefits to your overall health or are they all hype with serious health concerns? You should consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise plan or nutrition routine. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of energy drinks and how physical therapy can be utilized to improve your overall health in conjunction with healthy nutrition habits.

The Growth and Popularity of Energy Drinks

The energy drink market and overall consumption continues to rise each year with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The market has seen a dramatic increase in sales and offerings over the last several decades combined with influencers and large companies wanting to take a chunk out of the market.

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How can Energy Drinks Benefit You?

Energy drinks and the marketing behind them make it seem like they have limitless benefits, but what are the benefits? Energy drinks provide several benefits to help those looking for an energy boost. They offer another way to quickly regain focus and increase energy levels temporarily. In addition to their convenience, energy drinks also come with a variety of temporary benefits when used in moderation.

Mental Benefits

Drinking energy drinks can provide temporary mental benefits. Energy drinks contain stimulants that improve your alertness and focus. This can help you stay productive and accomplish tasks in a timely fashion. Energy drinks provide you with the quick boost needed to push through strenuous parts of your day, from a long workday to an intense workout. Boosting your energy levels also has a direct effect on your mood as well. When used in moderation, energy drinks can offer you a quick solution. However, they can also negatively impact your nervous system if abused over time. When it comes to the integrity of your mental health, we encourage you to pay attention to your energy drink consumption and to drink in moderation.

Boost in Physical Performance

In addition to improving mental focus and alertness, energy drinks may slightly enhance your athletic performance. Athletes and active individuals may benefit from energy drinks because of the push it provides to get through workouts. The vitamins and supplements within energy drinks can stimulate the nervous system and reduce the likelihood of experiencing drowsiness and fatigue. Instead of energy drinks, individuals should refuel with appropriate macronutrients.

How Can Energy Drinks Hinder Your Health?

Although energy drinks can provide an array of benefits, it is important to note that those are typically temporary solutions to a potentially larger problem. Energy drinks might provide a few benefits towards your energy levels and ability to focus, but they can also cause significant health issues if they’re not consumed in moderation. Take a look at some of the many energy drink health concerns you should be aware of.

Reduce Ability to Focus and Relax Over the Long Term

When consumed in moderation, energy drinks can provide you with a spike in energy that may be needed to get through a long day. If overconsumed, energy drinks can have an adverse effect. Instead of an anticipated energy boost, one can experience a variety of symptoms, from anxiety and restlessness to digestive issues and an irregular heartbeat. Operating from this sense of overstimulation can negatively impact your ability to focus on tasks and responsibilities and make it difficult for you to relax and calm your nervous system at the end of your day.

Increased Risk of Dehydration

Dehydration is another consequence of consuming too many energy drinks. The caffeine in energy drinks operates as a diuretic, which may increase the flow of salt and fluids out of your body. Contrary to popular belief and what may be marketed by these large energy drink brands, significant consumption of energy drinks before prolonged exercise should be avoided because it may cause you to become dehydrated and affect your athletic performance over the duration of the activity. If not addressed timely, dehydration can escalate to more serious health problems.

Tooth Decay and Cavities

The list of effects that can negatively impact your health from overconsuming your energy drinks continues to manifest in other ways, like tooth decay. Tooth decay can occur from consuming too many energy drinks thanks to the high levels of sugar that are in each drink. Too much sugar can lead to an increased risk of getting cavities and other dental issues.

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Weight Gain

Consuming too many energy drinks can also have an impact on your metabolism. While the caffeine in the drinks may boost your metabolism for a short duration, the amount of sugar and overconsumption over extended periods of time may cause your metabolism to slow down and cause individuals to gain weight. In addition, the risk for obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes is higher due to the high sugar level content in most energy drinks.

Cardiovascular Issues

Energy drinks may also cause significant heart health concerns, including increased blood pressure and elevated heart rate. In some instances, overconsumption may even cause arrythmia.

Over-Intake of Sugar and Caffeine

Another significant concern with the overconsumption of energy drinks is the increased daily intake of sugar and caffeine. Many of the energy drinks on the market have elevated levels of caffeine and sugar and are marketed to make it seem like their product is the one you should consider because it’s packed with all the extra goodies to give you the energy you need. The problem with these is that many individuals fail to take a look at the nutrition label, and they are loaded with so much caffeine and sugar that they exceed daily recommended amounts. One drink could cause you to exceed daily recommendations and it might not be the only one consumed during that day. Many individuals who overconsume energy drinks may consume several, and then compound it with other caffeinated drinks throughout the day like their daily cup of coffee or other carbonated beverages.


Consuming energy drinks may also keep you alert past your desired timeframe, including when you’re ready to go to sleep or take a break. Too much caffeine can keep you alert for extended periods of time and make it difficult to turn off your brain when you’re ready to settle down.

Caffeine-Induced Mental Changes

Another impact of too much caffeine can be caffeine-induced anxiety, depression, rampant mood swings, and more.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Too much caffeine can cause also cause gastrointestinal issues like nausea or stomach pains, especially if energy drinks are consumed on an empty stomach .

Energy Drinks & The Role of PT

Energy drinks can provide you with a small handful of benefits to your physical and mental well-being when consumed in moderation. Despite those short-term benefits, they do not provide long-term benefits to your overall health and might have significant impacts over extended periods of use. Physical therapy, on the other hand, can be beneficial for your overall health and when paired with proper nutrition, can help you improve your wellness. PT can help by addressing the root of any injury or condition and crafting a plan personalized to your unique needs and goals. If you are going to consume energy drinks, we recommend that you drink in moderation to reduce the risk of further impact to your physical or mental health. Your

Improve Energy Levels with Physical Therapy

If you are seeking other ways to experience an energy boost outside of energy drinks, we‘re here to help you address those aches and pains which may be sapping your energy levels. Our team of experienced physical therapists are committed to providing you with the highest quality of care and are passionate about addressing your specific needs and goals to alleviate pain, improve function, and restore mobility. While energy drinks can provide a temporary energy boost, it’s important to consume them in moderation and make . Schedule an appointment with us today and take the first step towards feeling your very best.

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  1. “Energy Drinks | Healthy Schools | CDC.”, 15 Aug. 2022,
  2. Gutiérrez-Hellín, Jorge, and David Varillas-Delgado. “Energy Drinks and Sports Performance, Cardiovascular Risk, and Genetic Associations; Future Prospects.” Nutrients, vol. 13, no. 3, Feb. 2021, p. 715,
  3. “Can Healthy Energy Drinks Boost Sports Performance?” Proper Wild, 4 Nov. 2020,
  4. The Clinical Nutrition Department at University Hospitals. “Are Energy Drinks More Harmful than Coffee?”, 22 Aug. 2023,
  5. Cleveland Clinic. “Diuretics: Types, Uses and Side Effects.” Cleveland Clinic, 1 Oct. 2021,
  6. Alsunni, Ahmed Abdulrahman. “Energy Drink Consumption: Beneficial and Adverse Health Effects.” International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 4, Qassim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oct. 2015, pp. 468–74,
  7. Cleveland Clinic. “Cavity & Tooth Decay: Causes, & Treatment | Cleveland Clinic.” Cleveland Clinic, 2017,
  8. Vandergriendt, Carly. “Is It Safe to Have an Energy Drink on an Empty Stomach?” Healthline, Healthline Media, 12 Jan. 2024,
  9. Alsunni, Ahmed Abdulrahman. “Energy Drink Consumption: Beneficial and Adverse Health Effects.” International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 4, 9 Oct. 2015, pp. 468–74,
  10. “Topic: Energy Drinks Worldwide.” Statista,
  11. Higgins, John. “ACSM Blog.” ACSM_CMS, 14 Mar. 2022,